Wah, NTU campus not bad eh?
Got pond with fish and terrapins!
Went to
National Shooting Centre (NSC) with
UNCLE Poh this morning. Had breakfast at NTU Canteen 1 (got lost in NTU AGAIN). Wah. Live firing seems niiice. Damn loud man. I like to see the recoil and the limb shifting up slightly before it falls back into its original place again. I think it's damn cool. LOL. Anyway, we went to see the gun console for the Wii at IMM. It was a rifle kind of thing and didn't look impressive at all. Man, if they had a really cool gun, I'd really really probably get it (3 months of holidays man). Ok, I'm going to plan my holidays. I'm gonna embark on a personal project! HEHE. I just got an idea of what to do. HEEHEE. I'm damn eggcited.
Warning: Lots of rant..
In the evening, we celebrated
Tiffany's birthday!!! She turns 4 years old today! Gosh. The theme was "Superman"! They put posters of him around and even had a Superman cake. LOL. When I turned into the car park at Canberra, I was pleasantly surprised to see Jan & Pat and Juliuz, Agnes and H! We all arrived in 3 separate cars at the same time at about 5.10pm (the party starts at 6pm). How cool is that?!
Well, I JUST found out my eldest brother,
Justin shot air rifle before. And since 2 years ago, he shoots air pistol at SAFRA. TSK. WAH. I'm amazed. HOW CAN I NOT KNOW?!??!?! HE'S MY BROTHER!!!! I was like.. "HUH? Air? Air??? AIR PISTOL!?!?? I OWN ONE YOU KNOW ANOT???!" And his reply "You own an air pistol ar?" Gosh, the things we know about each other. HAHA. *shakes head*
Oh, and
ALL my 3 brothers will be running the marathon end May. Today, they encouraged and invited me for it (again but with more encouragement this time). Bad timing though. My shoulder sure die. Jansen was like "You use your legs to run what!" HELLO. What's with the perception running use legs only huh??? Running is a full body sport. I need my shoulder for arm swing. I think for a marathon, my shoulder sure spoil again!!! So weird. I feel like they're fulfilling some part of my life for me. I saying this not because of envy but because they're my siblings. It's a complex feeling! Erm, and they're really so ONz about it, buying all the gear and training for it. Discussing tips, gears, diet, training etc (at least I could participate in their discussion). Like a passionate team... bonded by blood. No politics, no shit. Pure team spirit (sounds weird when applied to family.. Hmm.) I'm damn tempted to join them but.. *focus* There will be other days. For now, recreational running.. starting TOMORROW (unless I kena pangseh by Seppie, LOL).
Celebrating health.. celebrating life.. because I CAN.