Thursday, July 31, 2008
Today marked the conclusion of Matric Fair! Fun. Had to rush off to work after that. The ACJC kids are really quite interesting.. Hmm.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Hmm.. Went training today. Guess attitude really makes a great difference.. Training was good. Great.. Or rather excellent.. For this period in time anyway. Let's not compare to the not-so-distant past. Haha.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
This is not very chronological.. BUT I MUST ANNOUNCE MY Impeccable joy!!! Heehee. I got my honours project liao and I think I love the topic!
Title: Synergistic Effect of Antioxidants in Microemulsion System
Area of Concentration : FOOD CHEMISTRY (FC)
Synopsis: Antioxidants can be divided into water soluble and oil soluble molecules. Normally, an oil soluble antioxidant will be used for the protection of oil against oxidation during the frying process. While, for the protection of water soluble molecules, a water soluble antioxidant is used. However, foods are normally complex systems containing oil and water/solution. One common example is in an emulsion system. In this project, the student will study the synergistic effect of several antioxidants soluble in oil and water in a microemulsion. If possible, the water soluble antioxidants will be extracted and purified from fruits, vegetables or herbs found in this region. The antioxidant activity will be determined by the rate of a stable radical, DPPH being consumed.
Title: Synergistic Effect of Antioxidants in Microemulsion System
Area of Concentration : FOOD CHEMISTRY (FC)
Synopsis: Antioxidants can be divided into water soluble and oil soluble molecules. Normally, an oil soluble antioxidant will be used for the protection of oil against oxidation during the frying process. While, for the protection of water soluble molecules, a water soluble antioxidant is used. However, foods are normally complex systems containing oil and water/solution. One common example is in an emulsion system. In this project, the student will study the synergistic effect of several antioxidants soluble in oil and water in a microemulsion. If possible, the water soluble antioxidants will be extracted and purified from fruits, vegetables or herbs found in this region. The antioxidant activity will be determined by the rate of a stable radical, DPPH being consumed.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Ok, this was some time back! When we watched this video, Sandra and I laughed like crap. Damn farney.. LOL. Basically, nice water works at Raffles City!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Sandra and I cooked this afternoon:
- Chilli Crab (we need chilli padi next time!)
- Minced Meat Tofu
- Chicken Drumsticks (wah, nice seasoning.. shiok. juicy. tender.)
- Baby Kailan
Wah.. the crab was DAMN BIG. We had trouble eating it finish! DAMN HARD TO KILL THE CRAB! The last time we poke one time die liao.. This time ar, the crab fight with us. Tsk. Hmm, We managed to get dinner ready by 7pm on the dot! That was damn cool cos we started like at.. erm.. 4+ or 5pm ar?
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Met up with some AWC (YX, PF, ZJ, SL) to play Cluedo! We played Cluedo Super Challenge Edition followed by Cluedo Original. I prefer the Super Challenge though!
In the evening, took public transport to Paulaner to meet some shooters. Reached there at 7.55pm! 5min before Happy Hours were over!!! Drank slightly more than a litre of beer. Don't think I've drunk so much beer in a single seating. Ok, my drinking habit has got to change. When the semester starts, all expensive food, chocolate, wine/liquor is going to be on a reward based system and available only in minute quantities. My usual semester mode anyway. Haha. I haven't studied in school for so long!!! Time to hit the books!
In the evening, took public transport to Paulaner to meet some shooters. Reached there at 7.55pm! 5min before Happy Hours were over!!! Drank slightly more than a litre of beer. Don't think I've drunk so much beer in a single seating. Ok, my drinking habit has got to change. When the semester starts, all expensive food, chocolate, wine/liquor is going to be on a reward based system and available only in minute quantities. My usual semester mode anyway. Haha. I haven't studied in school for so long!!! Time to hit the books!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Today was Matriculation Fair Day 1! I felt like a sales person at a roadshow (been there, done that and was PAID). Quite fun today.. Too long never hyper but was good! Sailing's on our right and Archery's on our left. We managed to entice one from each booth to come try shooting. We're probably going to have "in-collaboration" or "exchange" projects with Archery! They like the idea too! Quite a few freshies seem very keen to join. One even went "I hope to hear from you all soon!" and I thought that was my line. Ok, the target machine toy is damn entertaining. Our neighbours played it several times and next week, our opposite neighbour and a DBS guy's gonna come and play. Matric Fair ended rather late today (6+pm)! Not too bad. 4 more days to gO!!
Had the NUS Appreciation Lunch for varsity captains this afternoon. The food was good but couldn't eat much. Asked the next "Principal" of the possibility of having a range in NUS and got rejected (again). Haha. Oh well!
Went to train in the evening! Today's training attitude was great! Dry fire and grouping quite happie! Worked on my problem too. Heh. But I really need my fuel (food) to shoot man. Can die.
Oh, didn't get my choice for Honours Project in Round 1 and may not even get my choice in Round 2 but.. actually, I still feel quite good! I think I'm the only idiot in FST that has to select so many times. LOL. Whatever comes my way, I'm still gonna handle it to the best of my ability. The Honours Orientation (4 to 7 August) is super packed with lectures/tutorials and even erm test?! Wah, FULL DAYS of SCHOOL. Sounds muggy but LOOKING FORWARD!!! AI ZAI!
Had the NUS Appreciation Lunch for varsity captains this afternoon. The food was good but couldn't eat much. Asked the next "Principal" of the possibility of having a range in NUS and got rejected (again). Haha. Oh well!
Went to train in the evening! Today's training attitude was great! Dry fire and grouping quite happie! Worked on my problem too. Heh. But I really need my fuel (food) to shoot man. Can die.
Oh, didn't get my choice for Honours Project in Round 1 and may not even get my choice in Round 2 but.. actually, I still feel quite good! I think I'm the only idiot in FST that has to select so many times. LOL. Whatever comes my way, I'm still gonna handle it to the best of my ability. The Honours Orientation (4 to 7 August) is super packed with lectures/tutorials and even erm test?! Wah, FULL DAYS of SCHOOL. Sounds muggy but LOOKING FORWARD!!! AI ZAI!
Today is a SCORE day!!! JJJJ+ 1; Baddies 0!!!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Went for my follow-up dental appointment. Driving to town in the morning is a headache. Anyway, the dentist applied a numbing gel that was PINA COLADA flavour. That was seriously quite cool. Impressed. And yeah, it probably materialized from Food Science people like ME, so I should be proud. I feel like a PINA COLADA kid. I have so many run-ins with that drink. He didn't remove my stitches (Liang Kai: it dissolves!!!) but merely trimmed the stuff sticking out. Apparently I can't open my mouth too wide cos of the stitches. Gosh. No wonder that day I open mouth too big onwards then damn pain and kena fever.
Met Sandra for a rather quick lunch! Beef noodle stall at J8 foodcourt. Nice! Part of BF1101 - Introduction to Beef!
Worked in the evening. The ACJC kids are kinda nice so it doesn't really feel workish. Initially, they thought I was working there full time till I told them I was still studying. When I mentioned that I wanna be a vet, they said I looked like one. Well, at least I look it! Now, just how am I gonna execute that plan?
Jialat, I've never procrastinated training so many times in a row in my life. Tuesday, I was supposed to train then I went out with pQ. Wednesday, I was supposed to train then I headed for dinner at Bottle Tree. Thursday (today), I was supposed to train in the afternoon then I headed to Army Market for AWC stuff. Thursday (today), I was supposed to train after work then I headed for dinner. OK. Tomorrow I will train. Confirm, guarantee plus chop, stamp, signed by???
Met Sandra for a rather quick lunch! Beef noodle stall at J8 foodcourt. Nice! Part of BF1101 - Introduction to Beef!
Worked in the evening. The ACJC kids are kinda nice so it doesn't really feel workish. Initially, they thought I was working there full time till I told them I was still studying. When I mentioned that I wanna be a vet, they said I looked like one. Well, at least I look it! Now, just how am I gonna execute that plan?
Jialat, I've never procrastinated training so many times in a row in my life. Tuesday, I was supposed to train then I went out with pQ. Wednesday, I was supposed to train then I headed for dinner at Bottle Tree. Thursday (today), I was supposed to train in the afternoon then I headed to Army Market for AWC stuff. Thursday (today), I was supposed to train after work then I headed for dinner. OK. Tomorrow I will train. Confirm, guarantee plus chop, stamp, signed by???
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Heard this on the radio on death...
The last thing you said to a certain someone may be the last thing you said to that someone.
The last thing you said to a certain someone may be the last thing you said to that someone.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Kokwai graduated from SIA training as a steward today! Attended the ceremony with Lloyd. Old skool people (一千年一次, gosh, we've known each other for 9 years). Quite funny, got performances from all the graduates. Saw Ve'Joy there (or rather she saw me), surprised me! Anyway, he showed us the mock-up for the various passenger cabins. The photos here are from First Class. Apparently, the Raffles Class is Business Class. I always thought that was First Class.
Headed to the range today. Just wanted to be back there for some odd reason. Just a few days ago, I didn't want to see the place for a very long time. Anyhow, in the midst of drawing my gun, pQ called me to go out. Haven't really hung with her for a while so decided shooting could wait. Anyway, made some kiddo friends from Shuqun SS at the range (reminder to self: you made a half-promise to be there on Tuesdays to visit them). They remind me of my sec 2 self. Hmm.
In the evening, met up with O-Wern for dinner. Ate at Magic Wok at Novena Square, cheap and good. He drove himself back. Haha. That was fun!
Headed to the range today. Just wanted to be back there for some odd reason. Just a few days ago, I didn't want to see the place for a very long time. Anyhow, in the midst of drawing my gun, pQ called me to go out. Haven't really hung with her for a while so decided shooting could wait. Anyway, made some kiddo friends from Shuqun SS at the range (reminder to self: you made a half-promise to be there on Tuesdays to visit them). They remind me of my sec 2 self. Hmm.
In the evening, met up with O-Wern for dinner. Ate at Magic Wok at Novena Square, cheap and good. He drove himself back. Haha. That was fun!
Monday, July 21, 2008

Met Poh for breakfast. Ate dim sum at Jln Kayu.
Headed to town to watch a morning movie, "The Dark Knight", with Sandra. I like Batman but the Joker really scares me. I love the bat mobile.
We had lunch at a fusion restaurant place.
Decided to go to the Peranakan Museum (NUS students gain free admission to all the museums in SG). Apparently the locals don't really frequent the museum cos the security guard asked Sandra which country we were from. I think we didn't speak much singlish. Haha. Damn funny.
The aim was Brewerkz. We walked there through Fort Canning. Didn't get lost so that was quite cool. I never walk to Clarke Quay before! Anyway, at Clarke Quay, Sandra knows her way around damn well lor. I WONDER WHY. Haha. Summore I think I go there more often. Reminder to self: 1 pint = 500mL.
Headed to town to watch a morning movie, "The Dark Knight", with Sandra. I like Batman but the Joker really scares me. I love the bat mobile.
We had lunch at a fusion restaurant place.
Decided to go to the Peranakan Museum (NUS students gain free admission to all the museums in SG). Apparently the locals don't really frequent the museum cos the security guard asked Sandra which country we were from. I think we didn't speak much singlish. Haha. Damn funny.
The aim was Brewerkz. We walked there through Fort Canning. Didn't get lost so that was quite cool. I never walk to Clarke Quay before! Anyway, at Clarke Quay, Sandra knows her way around damn well lor. I WONDER WHY. Haha. Summore I think I go there more often. Reminder to self: 1 pint = 500mL.
Today is Racial Harmony Day!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Had lunch and went for a movie with Ivan. We watched "Wedding Daze". Not too bad, I managed to laugh.
Anyhow, in the evening, a couple of us from NUS Air Weapons Club (AWC) played Combat Skirmish! It's basically outdoor laser tag. Wah. The area is rather big so it's quite xiong if you use a 60m range gun (which I was using). With that gun, it's chiong and hope no one snipes you. Damn tiring game man.. people chiong-ing from tree to tree. We used a variety of guns from the long range large guns to my lightweight (2kg) short range gun! Upon sundown, everything was a blur and shadows. Tough to see! It's quite fun! Next stop.. Paintball in December holidays!
After dinner, we played this werewolf game. Quite a fun sit-down game. Test test for AWC Orientation!
Anyhow, in the evening, a couple of us from NUS Air Weapons Club (AWC) played Combat Skirmish! It's basically outdoor laser tag. Wah. The area is rather big so it's quite xiong if you use a 60m range gun (which I was using). With that gun, it's chiong and hope no one snipes you. Damn tiring game man.. people chiong-ing from tree to tree. We used a variety of guns from the long range large guns to my lightweight (2kg) short range gun! Upon sundown, everything was a blur and shadows. Tough to see! It's quite fun! Next stop.. Paintball in December holidays!
After dinner, we played this werewolf game. Quite a fun sit-down game. Test test for AWC Orientation!
The desire to excel.
The passion to dedicate.
The determination to see it through.
The passion to dedicate.
The determination to see it through.
Let no second of my life fall to the ground without bearing fruit.
Dream it. Believe it. Live it.
Dream it. Believe it. Live it.
Scars (Stronger for Life) by Corrine May
I just want to run
Just want to hide away
Close my eyes to your gaze
Just want to leave
Don't want to hear them say
"You're no good at this"
When the world swirls with naysayers
Broken wings and torn pages
The road ahead
Drowning in my tears
Break me open
Tear me down
Into pieces
Broken crumbs
On the ground
You can mould and shape me
In your image
Breathe your life
You know I need it
Scars make us stronger for life
Losing myself
Gaining it back again
Forging strength from weakness
All that I am
All that I'm meant to be
Melting in your hand
Let the world swirl with naysayers
Pickled hearts and sour faces
What is real is what I cannot see
Break me open
Tear me down
Into pieces
Broken crumbs
On the ground
You can mould and shape me
In your image
Breathe your life
You know I need it
Scars make us stronger for life
Cut away
All within me
That won't bear fruit
Cut away
All within me
Cut away
All within me
That won't bear fruit
Cut away
All within me
Break me open
Tear me down
Into pieces
Broken crumbs
On the ground
You can mould and shape me
In your image
Breathe your life
You know I need it
Scars make us stronger
Scars make us stronger for life
I just want to run
Just want to hide away
Close my eyes to your gaze
Just want to leave
Don't want to hear them say
"You're no good at this"
When the world swirls with naysayers
Broken wings and torn pages
The road ahead
Drowning in my tears
Break me open
Tear me down
Into pieces
Broken crumbs
On the ground
You can mould and shape me
In your image
Breathe your life
You know I need it
Scars make us stronger for life
Losing myself
Gaining it back again
Forging strength from weakness
All that I am
All that I'm meant to be
Melting in your hand
Let the world swirl with naysayers
Pickled hearts and sour faces
What is real is what I cannot see
Break me open
Tear me down
Into pieces
Broken crumbs
On the ground
You can mould and shape me
In your image
Breathe your life
You know I need it
Scars make us stronger for life
Cut away
All within me
That won't bear fruit
Cut away
All within me
Cut away
All within me
That won't bear fruit
Cut away
All within me
Break me open
Tear me down
Into pieces
Broken crumbs
On the ground
You can mould and shape me
In your image
Breathe your life
You know I need it
Scars make us stronger
Scars make us stronger for life
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Spent the day watching VCDs:
The Pursuit of Happyness
This story is inspired by a true story. It's about a father who was homeless and went against the odds to become a wall street legend. Very cool. Check out the guy here.
The Break-Up
The movie was ok. I didn't manage to laugh at all.
13 going on 30
This movie was ok too. I also didn't manage to laugh.
In the evening, Julius, Agnes and H came over with dinner. I ate normal dinner food. We had a black forest cake for my father. Father's birthday today!!!
The Pursuit of Happyness
This story is inspired by a true story. It's about a father who was homeless and went against the odds to become a wall street legend. Very cool. Check out the guy here.
The Break-Up
The movie was ok. I didn't manage to laugh at all.
13 going on 30
This movie was ok too. I also didn't manage to laugh.
In the evening, Julius, Agnes and H came over with dinner. I ate normal dinner food. We had a black forest cake for my father. Father's birthday today!!!
Friday, July 18, 2008
I actually woke up in the midst of grinding my teeth today. A bit amazing. I actually feel happier waking up today even though I wakeyed with swollen cheeks! With a shoulder injury, I found it bad enough not sleeping on my right side but now I can't sleep on my side at all! Despite all the headaches and physical pain, I actually feel more alive today than ever in these few months.
Sandra came over today! She brought me 2 x chawanmushi from Sakae and mashed potato from KFC! Haha. THANK YOU. We watched VCDs (Over Her Dead Body and Perfect Stranger). Later, took a bus (think I can't drive for a while in this health condition) to meet pQ at BB Hawker Centre (aka Ang Mo Kio Hawker). Kept asking pQ to get food so I can try eating a bit and the rest could go to her. Haha. She and I wanted MEAT. Went to rent some VCDs to occupy me these days. After that, we headed to S11 for chicken chop. She was impressed I could eat chicken chop (she ate all the hard parts, I ate the tender ones, haha, thanks). I had to chew with my two front teeth and swallow (forced her to try doing the same and she hated it). Damn tiring to chew. My response to her:
86 was damn crowded. The walk home in the evening was good though. Got to see my neighbour's ducks on the way home so that was cool. The dogs along the way were cute too. There were puppies! Perhaps I should drive less and slow down my life a bit.. Just before I hurry back into study term anyway.
List of Food (I didn't stop eating the whole day):
Sandra came over today! She brought me 2 x chawanmushi from Sakae and mashed potato from KFC! Haha. THANK YOU. We watched VCDs (Over Her Dead Body and Perfect Stranger). Later, took a bus (think I can't drive for a while in this health condition) to meet pQ at BB Hawker Centre (aka Ang Mo Kio Hawker). Kept asking pQ to get food so I can try eating a bit and the rest could go to her. Haha. She and I wanted MEAT. Went to rent some VCDs to occupy me these days. After that, we headed to S11 for chicken chop. She was impressed I could eat chicken chop (she ate all the hard parts, I ate the tender ones, haha, thanks). I had to chew with my two front teeth and swallow (forced her to try doing the same and she hated it). Damn tiring to chew. My response to her:
I talk. It's pain, but it's worth it.
I laugh. It's pain, but it's worth it.
I eat chicken chop. It's pain, but it's worth it.
No pain, no gain.
I laugh. It's pain, but it's worth it.
I eat chicken chop. It's pain, but it's worth it.
No pain, no gain.
86 was damn crowded. The walk home in the evening was good though. Got to see my neighbour's ducks on the way home so that was cool. The dogs along the way were cute too. There were puppies! Perhaps I should drive less and slow down my life a bit.. Just before I hurry back into study term anyway.
List of Food (I didn't stop eating the whole day):
- Chicken & Mushroom Flavoured Instant Oatmeal Porridge (Brunch)
- Chawanmushi (Lunch)
- Mashed Potato (Lunch)
- Ham & Cheese (Lunch)
- Jelly (Lunch)
- Fried Carrot Cake (Tea)
- Pulut Terigu (Tea)
- Chicken Chop (Tea/Dinner)
- Vegetarian Flavoured Instant Rice Porridge (Dinner)
Spent the evening time watching more VCDs (CJ7 and I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry). Ok, quite amazed I ate all that. OH WELL. I just need a steak to top this off! Haha. Damn, it's hard to eat!!!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Had a big fat headache. The left side damn #$%^&* painful. The left side of the head also. That's not the worst part. The worst part is separation... from my food. Food is supposed to cheer me up! Anyway, headed to AMK hub to shop for food. I guess I really can't eat much except for soup and instant porridge. I feel like eating tau huay and chawanmushi though. A bit inaccessible. Wanted to get the baby food. They like have pasta and all that mashed but.. it was too $. I wanted to get instant mashed potatoes too but.. couldn't find. So I was terribly sad searching the hypermarket with a throbbing headache. Fortunately, I had a brilliant idea. Comfort food would be JELLY! Haha. Haven't really eaten that in a while.
Gonna stop using my car a while. Think it's too dangerous to drive in this state of health!
P.S. Thanks Sandra for advising me on which pills to take (which is like ALL except one?)
有时, 执着是成功之道。 可是也应该放下执着,万事随缘,让因果自作定论。
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Finally touched my bicycle! Cycled to dentist at Sembawang then to SAFRA then home! pQ PS me! Haha. Well. Ok. Got a referral to a specialist to pluck my wisdom teeth. My left tooth sitting on some nerve.. No wonder pain. Got swelling at lymph node. The dentist gave my 2 antibiotics, 1 painkiller and mouthwash. Crap. So much medicine just for the pain. Oh, the surgery is gonna cost $2100++. Crap. No choice. Getting freaking pain. Dammit. Goodbye teeth! It's coming out tomorrow! YAY. Gonna have sedation and pluck out both at once! Never kena sedated before! No go surgery before!! Haha. Exciting.
Went ECP in the evening with Ivan. The sky was clear.. Stars were clear.. Clouds swirled around the moon as if they were being sucked in.. The tide was high and splashed water on me when the big waves came even though I sat at the top of the breakwater. The moon was almost full and the sea breeze was damn strong and shiok. In all my visits to ECP, this was the nicest by far.. in terms of ambiance anyway. It was almost perfect. Didn't say much or do much. Just kept staring the waves as they lapped against the rocks of the breakwater. I like to see the water disappear into the dark holes among the rocks. Started recounting the most memorable times I had at ECP. I realized the most memorable times were simple outings. No event/special day or big groups.. Just fun. Anyhow, I think I could just spend every moment staring at the waves come in.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Shot for the Singapore Open Shooting Championships this morning. 355/400. I am quite satisfied with my performance, considering what I've been shooting at training recently. I think it's like above my recent training average. Didn't eat breakfast so almost died of starvation halfway. This is the first competition I've attended without breakfast, alcohol the evening before and insomnia. I didn't even want to wake up in the morning, I snoozed and decided to reach there later than planned. At sighters, I was like, when is the competition going to end? Crap. Damn sian. I shot finish by 9.40am (started at 9am). That's like a record timing. Haha. Shot 7 for my first shot and misfired either 5 or 6 for 3rd shot. I didn't even see the bloody sights when I triggered. Distracted for that instant. Niiice. I actually felt relieved after that then I just whack liao (I think it's better when you really stop caring.. if not for those two crap shots, I probably may not even hit 355). Still scored 89 for that series so.. that's quite cool. The most amusing part was that I was shooting the same pace as someone else for like damn a lot of shots. It's like we'd simultaneously roll back, change target, load, bring up gun and fire off then repeat at the same pace. DAMN AMUSING. I only noticed that after a while. I was like.. who would shoot at this pace??? Except da jie of course..
Crap Crap Crap
Monday, July 14, 2008
Had a slackey day today! Met pQ in the earlier part of the day for food. Ate at AMK hub foodcourt. Went over to her place for a while. pQ suggested I took a photo of her fridge. AMAZING. It's a bar fridge lor! It's the only fridge she has at home! No freezer! That's.. Hmm. Ok, we were too bored, hence the video. The Skippy Peanut Butter packaging is REALLY COOL.
Had Sakae for dinner with Ruiz, XY and HJ. After that, watched Hellboy 2! The movie is not bad!
Had Sakae for dinner with Ruiz, XY and HJ. After that, watched Hellboy 2! The movie is not bad!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
I had one of the longest meetings ever! Definitely the longest AWC meeting I've been to. I think it was quite a fun meeting though!
It's the rambutan season. Heh, the guys spent some time trying to pluck the fruit off my rambutan tree. Nice and sweet!
It's the rambutan season. Heh, the guys spent some time trying to pluck the fruit off my rambutan tree. Nice and sweet!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
A couple of us watched "Red Cliff" today! It was quite nice. No wonder pQ likes Takeshi Kaneshiro. I think I also like. Haha. The best part of today was bouncing around on people in my car while Ruiz drove! Hehe. FUN.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Attended the FST Class of 2008 Commencement Lunch this afternoon! The catered food was good! Haha. FST events all have one thing in common - good food! The lunch was fun! So many of them have jobs already! Anyhow, 3 of us renewed our NUS library membership today. They have a weird system for update!
Met pQ for Basic Theory Lesson 1.02! Weird to attend lessons with her. Feels so so wrong but it's so so fun!
P.S. I got an FST decal!!! (",)
Met pQ for Basic Theory Lesson 1.02! Weird to attend lessons with her. Feels so so wrong but it's so so fun!
P.S. I got an FST decal!!! (",)
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Went to Cineleisure to watch "Hancock". I liked the movie. After that, met JY for dinner then we headed for training! Tried Jacob Creek's Sparkling Rose tonight. Quite nice.
Gosh. I've lost my appetite for eating and sleeping. It's 4am. I should sleep.
Managed to get rZ to run The Human Race ( with me! Nice. A charity 10km run lined up with concerts and performances along the way. Sounds good.
Gosh. I've lost my appetite for eating and sleeping. It's 4am. I should sleep.
Managed to get rZ to run The Human Race ( with me! Nice. A charity 10km run lined up with concerts and performances along the way. Sounds good.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Met Poh in the afternoon to run. We went to Lower Pierce Reservoir. Haven't been there since I was in Primary School.
After that, headed back to HTNS with Coach Ma. She went back to help me do my grip if not she didn't have to head to HTNS. *touched* I had to converse in pure mandarin for about 40min. Wow. That's a record.
After that, headed back to HTNS with Coach Ma. She went back to help me do my grip if not she didn't have to head to HTNS. *touched* I had to converse in pure mandarin for about 40min. Wow. That's a record.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Cambodia (3-8 July 2008)
3 July
We arrived in the evening in Phnom Penh and checked into Sunday Guesthouse! We headed out for dinner at some "coffee shop". Had hotpot, fried rice and noodles if my memory doesn't fail me. A girl walked in with a platter of fried locusts so I bought some. Spent quite some time scrutinizing the locusts before hurriedly popping it into my mouth (the longer I think, the more I wouldn't want to eat it). Apparently my act "gave courage" to the 2 Graces to try the insects as well. Well, best described as tasting like potato chips! Not bad for a snack! We headed back and bought a bottle of Angkor beer (their best local beer) to try. The liquor there is really cheap! Can be as cheap as US$0.50/can. Small Grace brought the mahjong travel set so we played it at night!

4 July
We arrived in the evening in Phnom Penh and checked into Sunday Guesthouse! We headed out for dinner at some "coffee shop". Had hotpot, fried rice and noodles if my memory doesn't fail me. A girl walked in with a platter of fried locusts so I bought some. Spent quite some time scrutinizing the locusts before hurriedly popping it into my mouth (the longer I think, the more I wouldn't want to eat it). Apparently my act "gave courage" to the 2 Graces to try the insects as well. Well, best described as tasting like potato chips! Not bad for a snack! We headed back and bought a bottle of Angkor beer (their best local beer) to try. The liquor there is really cheap! Can be as cheap as US$0.50/can. Small Grace brought the mahjong travel set so we played it at night!
4 July
We signed up for a one day tour with our hostel. We started off with visiting the Killing Fields (Choeung Ek), a place where the Cambodian genocide took place under the Khmer Rouge regime.
We then headed to the Tuol Sleng museum which is also known as the S21 Prison. A secret prison at that time. Prisoners were questioned and tortured here and then transported to the Killing Fields. It was transformed from a secondary school to a prison. There were cells made of brick and some made of wood, with space just enough for a person to lie down.
We then headed to a shopping mall for lunch. It looks like on of those old shopping malls found in Singapore. The food court looks similar as well.
After lunch, we went to the Central Market. At the entrance, I had a shock as I saw a man in a brown uniform carrying a gun. It was an AK-47. I walked right past him but didn't dare to stare. Wah lau. AK-47 lor. Nice.
This is their National Museum. It houses many statues of Buddha and displays religious and cultural items. We were really bored there.
Lastly, we visited a temple which was in operation. Met a Spanish guy who gave us free lotus seeds to feed the monkeys! The monkeys seem rather tame. When I fed the monkey, I held it a little out of reach for it just to see what it would do. It reached out with one hand to pull my hand nearer then used the other hand to grab the seed. Smart.
5 July
The next morning, we departed and took a bus to Siem Reap. We checked into The Siem Reap Hostel. This hostel's fantastic!!! Has an indoor pool, a bar, pool table, giant Jenga, TV lounge! Our room had a balcony, air-con and hot water! Had an unpleasant encounter with a tuk tuk driver upon reaching the hostel. Was a little worried as they guy was lingering outside our hostel. We spent some time in the room before leaving the place. Decided to input the tourist police numbers into my phone just in case. Scary sia. Anyway, we spent the day exploring town (Old Market, etc) and ate some deep fried foodstuff which was damn yummylicious! The sauce was super power. The chilli and sauces in Cambodia are to die for! Tried some desserts as well. Quite happy my food science people (Big/Small Grace, Chewy, Amelia) are rather adventurous with food!
6 July
We woke up at 4.30am to watch the sunrise at Angkor Wat! Gosh. Super early. Apart from watching the sunrise, there was this monkey there who was jumping on people. It jumped on a small girl and many tourists rushed to take photos of that. It was quite hilarious. The monkey then targeted a caucasian man who had to run around in circles to get away from the monkey. Side entertainment. LOL. Spent the day visiting temple ruins!
7 July
Today was tai tai day. We headed for cooking lessons at a restaurant (Le Tigre de Papier - The Paper Tiger)! Some of the restaurants here offer cooking lessons for tourists to learn how to cook Cambodian dishes. We each chose an appetizer and a main dish. We also learned how to make a pumpkin dessert and chilli! The cooking class was DAMN FUN.
8 July
We got to walk up the plane! Haha. Rare occurrence (at least for us).
Well, the trip was a bunch of fun. However, the people there are really poor. I didn't mind getting ripped off. There were so many of them so I couldn't buy anything from them lest I get swamped. Back there, I remembered the starfish story: As an old man walked the beach at dawn, he noticed a young man picking up starfish and flinging them into the sea. Catching up to the youth, he asked why he was doing this. The answer was that the stranded starfish would die if left until the morning sun. "But the beach goes on for miles and there are millions of starfish," countered the other. "How can your effort make any difference?" The young man looked at the starfish in his hand and threw it to safety in the waves. "It makes a difference to this one," he said.
I have heard.
Now, I have seen.
The question is, what do I do?
Now, I have seen.
The question is, what do I do?
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Worked for National Schools today. Scoping is tiring! Anyway, re-did my grip this evening. Ok, now it really feels like the gun is holding my hand and it's 温暖. 大姐 has a cool way of describing the grip!
Public Show of Appreciation:
Thanks 大姐 for coaching me rifle! HAHA. Shot a 10 (10.7 or 10.8) followed by a good 9 (without suit) after she teach me!
Haha, CPF's evil scheme to trade places with me (me a rifler, she a pistoler).. Tsk tsk.
Public Show of Appreciation:
Thanks 大姐 for coaching me rifle! HAHA. Shot a 10 (10.7 or 10.8) followed by a good 9 (without suit) after she teach me!
Haha, CPF's evil scheme to trade places with me (me a rifler, she a pistoler).. Tsk tsk.