Had a big fat headache. The left side damn #$%^&* painful. The left side of the head also. That's not the worst part. The worst part is separation... from my food. Food is supposed to cheer me up! Anyway, headed to AMK hub to shop for food. I guess I really can't eat much except for soup and instant porridge. I feel like eating tau huay and chawanmushi though. A bit inaccessible. Wanted to get the baby food. They like have pasta and all that mashed but.. it was too $. I wanted to get instant mashed potatoes too but.. couldn't find. So I was terribly sad searching the hypermarket with a throbbing headache. Fortunately, I had a brilliant idea. Comfort food would be JELLY! Haha. Haven't really eaten that in a while.
Gonna stop using my car a while. Think it's too dangerous to drive in this state of health!
P.S. Thanks Sandra for advising me on which pills to take (which is like ALL except one?)
有时, 执着是成功之道。 可是也应该放下执着,万事随缘,让因果自作定论。
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