Saturday, September 30, 2006
Friday, September 29, 2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006

- Brand's Essence of Chicken (Lingzhi - 6 bottles, Tangkwei - 1 bottle, American Ginseng - 1 bottle)
- Hair Net
- Ear Plugs
- The Federal Matchbox
- Pen
- Sunglasses
- Snowskin Mooncakes
- Vitagen
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Monday, September 25, 2006
Sunday, September 24, 2006

Do you see the changes in my blog?! There are 10 differences!
- Title - colour
- Heading - colour
- Visited links - colour
- Unvisited links - colour
- Mouse over links - font size
- Mouse over links - highlighting
- Mouse over links - italics
- Mouse over images - highlight
- Marquee
- Counter
By the way, there's a new shopping centre near my place at Jln Kayu! Fernvale Point! It's currently open with Koufu food court (24 hours).
Met Rebeck's this afternoon. We went to the airport! So fun! After that, we watched S'pore Idol with Venessa at her place.
I made 3 tshirt designs today!
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Monday, September 18, 2006
Sunday, September 17, 2006

Saturday, September 16, 2006
Friday, September 15, 2006
He - Part 5
Perhaps his thoughts on idealism and his belief in himself that he could live up to it have finally turned their backs on him. He takes a situation, makes a prediction and waits for his prediction to come through, always thinking of the worst that could happen, yet hoping for the best. Call him a pessimist. He’s learning to cope with reality since there’s a high probability that his pessimistic predictions come through. It’s a safe bet playing on the principal that the higher you are, the longer the journey down. Having a low expectation allowed him to fall slightly each time, letting him accustom to the imperfections of this world rather than falling a long way down and being unable to get up.
He wants to blame someone, hurt someone, but he knows he has to learn sacrifice and unconditional kindness. So with each opportunity, he lets it slide. He hurts them anyway. This was unintentional at the later stage of course. What is done cannot be taken back. Words exchanged cannot be retracted. If he didn’t mean something, why would he have said it in the first place? The best he could do was to offer an explanation for his behaviour, implying that what he did in the first place had no weight.
He meant no harm. Initially, he was just furious. Being furious, he felt the need to hurt someone. When rationality spoke to him, she got through to him and he knew he never meant any harm.
The only person he blamed was himself. He “needed” too much. He was furious at the way he felt. He was furious at the attention he required. He was furious that he was on the brink of obsession. He was furious that his neediness had blended with selfishness. He was furious at his sudden lack of independence. He was furious, just furious.
There were many other things going through his mind. If they were to be contained here, the entire internet could not even begin to contain his thoughts.
- Rest
- Ice
- Compress
- Elevate
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Monday, September 11, 2006
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Friday, September 08, 2006
If I were...
If I were shipwrecked and alone on an island, my goal would be to try to return home, to where my family and friends are. While gathering wood to try to build a watercraft to escape the island, I also decide to build a shelter for myself. I am such a perfectionist that I decide to build a fanciful shelter. Day by day, I seek out materials to better my temporary “home” and lose sight of the goal (to return home) and is totally distracted from building my watercraft (the way to get home). What I have done is to make my transitional phase (the island) more comfortable while losing sight of the ultimate goal. At the end of the day, if I finally get down to building my watercraft, I would have to leave my fanciful shelter behind and my hard work of building it would have meant nothing. I may however try my best to cling on to my life at the island and try to postpone leaving the island. But any logical man would tell me that that would be silly since I would feel incomplete without your family and friends.
Now, my life on Earth as a person is temporary as well. The goal is to have eternal happiness. I too should focus solely on that. The way is love. Love is such a beautiful gift bestowed upon us. We seldom ask others “Why are you happy?” Perhaps the answer to that is love. It is such a wonderful thing to love others (family, friends, acquaintances and strangers) and even a greater thing to see them sincerely smile because of your action. It rewards with such a wonderful feeling yet it remains challenging. I get distracted from my goal (and loving others) by trying to seek other self-interests leading away from my original goal. These distractions include an obsession with academics, money, career, leisure and decadent lifestyles. Let’s say I have a fancy career, lots of cash, spouse and kids. At the end of the day, my goal was probably to build a comfortable place for a transitional phase. If my goal was to feel at home on Earth, I would have accomplished it and I would try to cling on to my dear temporary life and eventually will have to give it up in dying. Wouldn’t that be silly? Why the attachment to the temporal? Set your sights on the ultimate goal.
- I was studying halfway and I wanted to complete my set of notes before lab started.
- I was too tired to start a debate in which there would be no 2-way communication.
- There wasn't enough time. All my discussions about religion are rather lengthy. My last discussion was more than an hour long standing up.
- I wasn't in the correct frame of mind to talk about God.
Maybe next time.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Tuesday, September 05, 2006
- Supply food to you (energy bar, pandan bread)
- Help you to buy food (Mashed potato) - you bluffed me that it was $1 when it was $1.10
- Copy notes for you during lecture while u SLEEP
- Lending you my mobile phone (SE T610)
- Letting you make calls/sms with my phone (SE K500i) and my SIM card
- Drive you to Dhoby Ghaut
- Answering a call for YOU while I was mugging (some guy called me and asked for Pei Pei!!!) Excuse me, since when did we share the same hp number?
- Do many many more tasks
Thanks for your "independency".
Arch-enemy 4-eva,
Monday, September 04, 2006
The service at TCC at Cineleisure is excellent. Well done guys!
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Saturday, September 02, 2006

In the evening, pQ, ling ling and I went to eat Teochew porridge at Yishun 81 coffeeshop! When I came home, it was just in in time to go for dinner (part 2) at a western food place at Punggol Park with Jansen, Pat and my father! I drank Lychee Martini! I finally got to try it. The alcohol content was pretty high.
Anyway, I ate 2 dinners to compensate for missing lunch!