I had a CM2161 quiz today. It's worth 6% and there's 5 of them (Total = 30%). Today was Quiz 2. Congratulations Jaime, you've completed 41.67% of the quiz, giving you a probability of 0 for passing this quiz. There wasn't enough time. I don't recall any of my friends being able to complete it. I atempted 100% of it. If only there were method marks. We are only asked to put down the final answer and no marks would be awarded for any calculations. I knew how to do the questions, but there simply isn't enough time.
Time.. that's always the issue, isn't it?
"But if we don't take time, then where will we get time?"
Great song: Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol.
P.S. Forgive my complaints. I'm full of them these days.
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