Sunday, April 30, 2006
I stayed over at rZ's place with pQ last night. We had brunch at N&B!
In the afternoon, I watched The Skeleton Key.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
I went to AMK Library to borrow some books and then went to pQ's home!
In the evening, my family went for dinner. After that, we went to look at bicycles but there was very little variety so I'm going to scout for more choices before making the purchase!
I'm going over to rZ's home along with pQ to camp!!!!
Friday, April 28, 2006
I had ST1232 examination in the morning! It was a mad rush! Well, my exams are over!
My post-exam activities:
- I went to eat and climb at NUS with Sandra
- I went to Marina Square
- Went to Clara's home to borrow a bicycle and went cycling with Andrew to Thomson from Bishan. I cycled from 8.38pm to 10.30pm!
- On the way to Clara's place, I met Amelia from FST! She plays arcade shooting games too! Shiok! Got new friend to go play with!
Thursday, April 27, 2006
I had CS1105 examination this evening! What a mad rush it was. Too much to express, too little time to pen down.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
I practised some questions for ST1232 and read some tutorials for CS1105. I kept surfing the net today! I'm slacking!!!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
I sat for the CM1161 - Principles of Chemical Processes examination. It was tough.
I purchased my first music track via the Internet today! Paid S$1.99 for it at No piracy for me! Well, the song I downloaded is A Sorta Fairytale by Tori Amos!
Monday, April 24, 2006
I had GEK1511 - Introduction to Computing examination today. It was slightly tricky.
After that, pQ, Sandra and I went to Northpoint for dinner!
Sunday, April 23, 2006
I've been doing calculations all day in preparation for CM1161 and ST1232.
6.5 hours of calculations done and another 2 hours to go for today!
Saturday, April 22, 2006
I had Organic Chemistry (CM1121) examination today. It was OK.

In the evening, rZ and I went for dinner at Cafe Cartel at Junction 8! Look at what rZ bought for me from Hong Kong! Moo..... Moo!
Friday, April 21, 2006
The fruit of the day is the apple! It wakes you up better than a cup of coffee in the morning. An apple a day keeps the doctor away so for this examination period, I am going to eat my apple NOW.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
I felt like having a more savoury breakfast this morning. I ate masala flavoured instant noodles. However, it was instant noodles for diabetics and it was really healthy. It did not taste THAT terrible, just rather bland. It made me feel healthy though! Low calories, low fat, no monosodium glutamate (MSG), etc...
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
I went to watch The Sentinel with Calvin Hee at Yishun this evening. Good show, good action, good plot.

On my way home, I dropped by Seletar Reservoir to calm the raging waters.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
I was too bored of eating the same old kaya and peanut butter toast for breakfast so here's what I created:
Curry Toast
Serving size: 1
Preparation/Cooking time: 5 min
- 2 slices of wholemeal bread (or white bread)
- 1 level tbsp margarine (or butter)
- 1 tsp of curry powder
- Toast bread for 1min
- Spread margarine evenly on bread
- Toast for another 0.5min
- Sprinkle curry powder on bread
- Toast for another 3min
Monday, April 17, 2006
Today is Susie Lim's birthday!
And now, about ME:
- I studied as usual. About 9 to 10 hours today.
- I entered what will probably be my final blog entry for my CS1105 (Computing & Society) portal.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Saturday, April 15, 2006
It's Holy Saturday.
We (CSS Science FCG) went to St. Ignatius for the Easter Vigil and to attend Raymond's baptism! We proceeded to Adam Road Food Centre to eat after that.
Friday, April 14, 2006
It's Good Friday. Even if you do not believe in Christ, just remember that no historian would deny that about 2000 years ago, there lived a man named Jesus who died by crucifixion.
He died for us, we live for him...
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Today is Maundy Thursday (aka Holy Thursday). We went for mass at St Theresa's and proceeded with dinner and church visiting. We visited St Joseph, St Peter & St Paul and the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
I went with pQ's family to watch Wei Ling perform today! It was a band concert by Chung Cheng High (Yishun).
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Monday, April 10, 2006
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Operation: Clean-Up
Do not read further if you get squirmish easily.
Titus had a stomach upset today. He was asking me to let him out of the study room but I ignored him because he does that every 5 minutes. If I entertained him, I will be continually disrupted from my study. However, this time, he had a valid reason to want to leave the room. I heard gagging sounds and when I turned to look at him, he vomitted a lump of grass mixed with a yellow liquid.
I was horrified. I immediately turned off the air-conditioning system, open the windows and the door. I did not scold him of course. It was I who refused to let him out. Well, at least I learnt that dog's puke does not smell bad at all. To my surprise, it is practically odourless.
After my scientific investigation, it was time for Operation: Clean-Up. I used newspaper to soak up all the liquid and dumped it into a plastic bag. I then used a wet rag to wipe the floor. I rinsed the rag, sprayed anti-bacterial spray on the floor and wiped it again.
What amazed me was that immediately after puking, Titus knew he did something bad. On opening the door, I motioned him to leave and after cleaning up, I saw Titus run out and bark at people as if nothing happened. So much for being sick!

Saturday, April 08, 2006
Friday, April 07, 2006
Thursday, April 06, 2006
I brought lunch (food and rice) from home and ate it at around 11am! At 145pm, I was eating Mee Swa from the canteen again! Decided to have a second lunch with Wong Hui!
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
There was no lanes for us to train today so we (Jimmy, Qingling, Liang Kai, Valerie and I) went to Serangoon Gardens for dinner!
At night, I went to pass Sam something and to meet Rongzhu!
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
We had faculty cell group this evening. The theme was "Recharge". Praise & worship went well as well as everything else. We had Pepsi to "Yum Seng" and a miraculous medal to take home!
Monday, April 03, 2006
I could hardly sleep the whole night. I was attacked by a lot of mosquitoes! Finally, at 445am, I decided to switch on the fan real fast. Guess what? My day starts at 5am so I had 15min to enjoy mosquito-free sleep. Perhaps I should purchase mosquito coils!
Sunday, April 02, 2006
For my posting on April Fools', everything except the first sentence is bogus.
Happy April Fools' Day
Saturday, April 01, 2006
I met Clara in the morning to get some book.
After that, she asked me if I wanted to join her, Gary and his friends to go Johor Bahru eat seafood in the evening! Gary's friend can drive. Hmm.. I thought my father wouldn't allot, but he did!!! So I went home to get my passport and met them in the evening!
We ordered a lot of crabs and prawns. The seafood was so fresh and the prawns were large. Man, too much good food! This has gotta stop! I'm getting fat! We paid less than S$20 each for the large amount of food we ordered!
This is the first time I've been to JB!!! The trip wasn't as long as expected. It was fun!
After that, she asked me if I wanted to join her, Gary and his friends to go Johor Bahru eat seafood in the evening! Gary's friend can drive. Hmm.. I thought my father wouldn't allot, but he did!!! So I went home to get my passport and met them in the evening!
We ordered a lot of crabs and prawns. The seafood was so fresh and the prawns were large. Man, too much good food! This has gotta stop! I'm getting fat! We paid less than S$20 each for the large amount of food we ordered!
This is the first time I've been to JB!!! The trip wasn't as long as expected. It was fun!