Chewy and I finally finished our poster project! It looks damn good! Thanks to her! All we have to do is print it! It will be displayed outside LT20 the coming Tuesday! Here's a sneak peak...

Anyway, training felt good today. Achieved a few things:
However, I need to work on my stray shots. Tsk. The problem's with wrist lock and jerking the trigger.
QL, Jimmy and I went to AMK S11 for dinper (dinner/supper) and we talked the whole night (till past midnight).

Anyway, training felt good today. Achieved a few things:
- I finally solved my leg/knee position problem
- I shot more 10s
- I could predict my shots before rolling the card back (most of the time anyway)
- I sighted my gun WELL!!!!!! First time!
- I could focus even with Hui Hui distracting me for my last shot (which was a 10) (",)
However, I need to work on my stray shots. Tsk. The problem's with wrist lock and jerking the trigger.
QL, Jimmy and I went to AMK S11 for dinper (dinner/supper) and we talked the whole night (till past midnight).
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