The photos of CEDAR were taken with SE T610 so the camera's not too good. My SE 810i gives excellent shots!
And we used to train like there was no tomorrow.

rZ called me and pQ out for breakfast and a visit to FBT at Joo Seng Warehouse (#05-01)! It's been a LONG time since she initiated an outing. Call us out more often lar, everytime we initiate then later we think you don't wanna play with us cos we always ask you, you hardly ask us! HAHA. Maybe that's the case (I'm safe saying this cos my dear rZ will only be back in SG end May)!
Anyway, we had breakfast at N&B. I got scolded for choosing the venue. Tsk, next time u all say what u wanna eat LAR. I'm never deciding AGAIN. What's wrong with N&B!??!?!? Ok, after that, we decided on an impromptu visit back to... CEDAR GIRLS' SECONDARY SCHOOL!!! WOOOHOO!!! ALL YOU CEDARIANS GIVE ME A CHEER!!! Cedar has changed!!! It's cool man, now they take attendance by tapping their EZ-link (no kidding). Anyway, we saw Mrs Chew (QL: your NPCC teacher - she looks older). She remembers that I wanted to study Food Science!!! I'm amazed cos I didn't really know her when she taught me A Maths way back in Sec 3. Ms Agnes Leong remembers that I stay in Seletar Camp! Gosh! The things teachers remember about us! She was joking about me getting evicted!!! TSK. DEPRESSING. Mdm Faridah's funny lar!!! And Mr Chan remembers us too. Phew, lucky no Mr Tay. I don't know what I'd do if I see him (maybe call my lawyer?)
Later on, I went to collect my handphone from the servicing centre.
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