We presented on the case on MGM vs Grokster this morning! Our lecturer said it was a good presentation (like all other presentations) and that it was not an easy case to tackle. Law.. Law.. Law.. I'm amazed. I was rushing for time that I stumbled upon a whole lump of words (picture this). It's my most stuttered/stammered/congested presentation in my life. Tsk. I usually stutter more during day to day conversations rather than school presentations and stuff. You probably don't hear me stutter much. It only happens in front of some people (tsk, I'm shy) or when I get distracted. It's quite funny. I take after my 2nd brother, Jansen, a lot. I look like him, laugh like him, stutter like him (only we stutter in our family) BUT I don't have brains like him. If I did, I'd get a CAP of 5.0 and be Valedictorian. Everyone is so smart. Smart. Smart. Smart. I can't find my forte. My mom told me everyone had something that they're good at but some don't people don't find/realize it throughout their whole lives. 

Anyway, I miss my brothers. They've all moved out on their own and have their own families. No more long talks. No more psychology/relationship classes from Julius. No more squabbling. No more checking on me if I've studied hard enough (Jansen would test me on my work and to him, anything below an A is a fail.. I owe any academic excellence to him). No more shopping/dining at posh places with Justin. It's just my father, Titus and me. And my books and Valen... I need to get a life instead of blogging right here. Too much reminesence. Let's deal with here and now.
The craziest thought crossed my mind - the thought of me getting a Masters in Law. I'll be an expert at law in my food industry!!! People do that right? They get a general degree and then pursue a Masters in Law. Ever since I took the module, I feel a sudden interest in law. One of the reasons why I didn't S/U it. My friends were shocked I didn't. I haven't S/U-ed anything (they were even more shocked). Well, I've made a decision.. no use of S/U!!! All non-Science modules shall be used to pull this C.A.P. (cumulative average point) up!
Anyway, my Sanity Graph for last semester still applies quite well:
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