The desire to excel. The passion to dedicate. The determination to see it through.

Sunday, February 18, 2007


Happy Chinese New Year!!!

I did some schoolwork again! Proud of myself again! T'is the season to get FAT...

So Ellen of at17 is a vegequarian (eats fish along with a plant based diet). I did some research on this type of vegetarianism in association with FST2201 - Human Nutrition. This diet is better known as Pesco-Vegetarian. It's a rather interesting diet since fish replaces the other meats like poultry and red meat. A few days ago, we had to watch this video entitle "Meet Your Meat" during Postharvest lecture. It shows the cruelty of animals that are domesticated for food purposes. They are abused in farms and at the slaughterhouse. I left that lecture with a heavy heart. Some of us were discussing that fish do not face such cruelty. They are caught in nets and die on being left out of the water. I guess vegequarianism is a good idea but I can't elaborate on the nutritive aspects of this diet as yet. I have to do more research. Anyway, the American Dietetics Association holds its position that vegetarians are able to obtain a healthful diet on eating plant produce alone. Vegetarians have to really watch what they're eating to avoid disorders. My lecturer was saying that vegetables have a lot of pesticides so we'd better wash them off if not we're gonna shorten our lifespan!

Due to the overwhelming amount of food and goodies at my house, there will be an open house starting from tonight, 10.30pm onwards till Wednesday (21 Feb). 2 humans and 1 dog simply cannot finish this amount of food. It could feed an army for a month! Please come! Haha.. Female entry only. FREE FOOD. Males are excluded due to the sensitive topic of potential boyfriends/husbands. Ang baos available while stocks last.


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