Yesterday morning, I had to plan a discernment session for the incoming committee of CSS ScienceFCG. I needed to find a bible passage related to the session but I hardly read the bible and I don't know it well. I was going to flip to the back to search if there was a list of topics in the bible. I flipped to 1 Peter 4:7-11. The title was 'Good Managers of God's Gifts'. I was shocked. I mean, I did ask for help to finish the outline and to find a bible passage quick (before I would be late for school) but I didn't expect to find it on the first flip. You can call it coincidence, I call it divine intervention.
Today, I had a meeting with Ben C to dicuss the session. There was a part I overlooked and I was once again looking for a bible passage. This time, I had a sheet of paper filled with verses for discernment. There was so many of them. I just decided to try to flip to one from Acts. I meant to flip to Acts but I found my fingers at Galatians (and I don't know why I thought of Galatians) and I looked again at the paper for the Galatians verse (there were many verses from Galatians but my eyes fell upon the very verse I needed). It's description did not seem relevant. I was going to move to Acts but I figured, what the heck, let me see what it is. As you probably can guess, the passage (Gal 5:16-18) hit me. It was exactly what I was looking for.
The probability of such instances occurring TWICE is VERY low, considering the many verses available in the bible and the many options of verses available. Both passages were found on the first flip of the bible. This is what they mean by guided by the Holy Spirit.
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