Gosh! I just realized I had such a slip-shod entry! This is the extended version:
In the morning, I had breakfast with Miyuko (of Japan). She approached me and thought I was Japanese! Hmm, ok, I really have that Japanese look??? Anyway, she asked to have breakfast with me so of course I agreed.
Mass at the Newman Centre was hyper! It began with "Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord" and ended with "You Are Holy (Prince of Peace)"! It felt like a Praise and Worship session.
For dinner, I ate Subway! Had BBQ Rib Patty which was nice! Anyway, found out from Izzati that the sandwiches are called "subs" because they are shaped like submarines!
Here's a simple science question:
A bottle is filled with hot liquid and capped. It begins imploding in room temperature over time. Is the following explanation valid?
The hot liquid heats the gas in the bottle and the gas loses heat to the cooler room temperature surroundings over time. Therefore, the gas contracts upon losing heat creating a lower pressure which led to an implosion.
Now, be nice! Give me an answer!!!
Spent the day mugging and watching 花样少年少女! Addicted to it! Now screening, BUSY!
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