The desire to excel. The passion to dedicate. The determination to see it through.

Monday, July 30, 2007


Hmm.. Today is the first time I greeted someone in UOT who was not from NUS! Haha. Ok, a bit lame but it's nice to actually found that you've got acquainted with one of the locals. Ok, the person is a female in case you're wondering. Anyway, the security guards at my residence look rather fit! There's a nice young security guard here and we've talked a couple of times, especially when I go to the gym or for a jog. He helped me open my door today as my card got de-magnetized again! Nice guy! Can I import him to Singapore? LOL. Ok, more motivation to excercise in the morning.
Anyway, there's air hockey in the common room in my residence. There's really air blowing out from the board. Cool. Rather smooth!

I finally checked my grades for my Psychology test! 60/72 for MCQs and short answers! That's 83.33% (the average is 74.44%). Yay. The weightage of that test is like 46%. Jaime is happy. Can I switch universities? The stress level is so much lower.. that should be good for my health!!! If only my grades here could be computed into my CAP in NUS!


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