The desire to excel. The passion to dedicate. The determination to see it through.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

He - Part 4

He awoke to the glimmering sun rays in his eyes. Yet another bright and sunny day. He jumped off the bed immediately. This day was different. This was one the days he wanted to start. It was a day of embarkent. The start of a period of days of unfounded gladness. Things were going to take a turn, at least for a while.

Today, he walked with a bounce and a smile to complement it. He was ready to impact the world in the only way he knew possible. Love. Every form of communication he had with others, he tried to find the right words to put a smile across their faces. He kept thinking about what he could do for them. Suddenly giving felt good again. He vaguely remembered a time when he gave till it hurt. But this time, he would give his all. No harm to be done. He needed no one to reciprocate. In fact, he prefered it that way. He did small things for them. Things that people often take for granted. In this way, others would not know what he had done and would not feel indebted to him.

Days of gladness passed by him. He took it all in, savouring each moment. Never walking too fast so that he wouldn't miss anything. He was satisfied in many aspects but he felt inadequate. Inadequate not by the standards of man. He would work towards that. He was glad that he had found purpose in life. Money was not it. Security was not it. Being loved in return was not it. It was agape, God's love.

That was something he could not quantify. Something he could not comprehend. Something that left him in awe.


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