The desire to excel. The passion to dedicate. The determination to see it through.

Monday, December 25, 2006


First of all, Merry Christmas! My family spent Christmas in the usual way by visiting Aunt Daisy and Uncle Trevor. We got stuffed with food as usual (so much that I consciously skipped dinner).

After that, I drove down to Chinatown Point where Adventure 21 was located. I bought some stuff I need for my upcoming trip. The staff at the store were extremely friendly. If I ever need anything again, I'll go back to that store to get it! I then made my way to the warehouse sale for U2 and G2000 at Tannery Rd. I wanted to go for the MANGO warehouse sale but I was too lazy to travel there (Raffles Place).

I met up with Jimmy for a mini gift exchange. He got me a Stitch stuffed toy and Corrine May's CD!!! I was amazed when I saw the CD. The first thing I asked him was how he knew I wanted that CD. I don't recall telling much people that I wanted to buy it. Just coincidence? According to Jimmy, it might have been divine intervention. Haha.

Anyway, after that, I went to Jubilee and watched Curse of the Golden Flower (private date with myself). I switched my hand-phone to silent without vibration so I guess I went MIA for a while (sorry becca)!

Lastly, I met becca (and her family) to pass her stuff.

Father: Son, did you get all you wanted for Christmas?
Son: No, I didn't. But then again, it isn't my birthday is it?


Blogger Deepfrost said...

Perhaps Jimmy can mind read, have premonition, or has been taping your msgs. I think the original reason sounds more possible. Heh

December 26, 2006 12:42 AM  

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