The desire to excel. The passion to dedicate. The determination to see it through.

Saturday, December 23, 2006


In the morning, Ivan and I went to teach skating. After that, I met Patricia to buy groceries for the grand celebration tomorrow! I joined Jan & Pat for lunch as well and headed downtown as I couldn't find what I needed at Compasspoint.

After I got home, I decorated the Christmas tree! I felt like a kid sorting and counting the decorations so that I could evenly distribute them on the tree. Most of each type decoration came in fours! I cleared some parts of the house and bathed Titus and my luggage.

Now, I'm trying to pass time as I wait for my departure time to set off to meet pQ for a late dinner.

Gosh, it's so difficult to find the carrier bag for backpacks just so that I can check it in at the airport. All the branches of Sports Connection is out of stock and there's none at the online auctions! Have no fear, Jaime's got it under control. She knows of a stash all the way at Chinatown (and it's cheaper).

I just got back from dinner with rZ and pQ. rZ went too!!! Anyway, we had fun talking about pigs, DUCKS and chickens. It's been a while! Haha!!! No fair, everyone has a song but me!!! For example, pQ has My Love and rZ has 2am!!!! HAHHAHAHA. I WANT A SONG. I want! I want!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

zhu :)

December 23, 2006 11:29 PM  

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