The desire to excel. The passion to dedicate. The determination to see it through.

Sunday, November 04, 2007


Met JF for lunch at Jln Kayu! Jialat. Fat fat fat. Should have ran with rZ! Haha. Oh well. Finally went for a haircut!

Anyway, in the afternoon, Jan & Pat and Julius, Agnes and H came over. We went off for dinner after that.

Have you ever reviewed what you wrote years ago? I just flipped through what I wrote 6 years ago. I usually have a very different perspective of things from years before. However, I don't seem to disagree much with what I wrote 6 years ago except for a single sentence..

Jaime at 15: "I guess... I need to talk about it......"

Well, it seems my 15 year old self knew what I needed. 6 years later was well worth the wait. I guess He has always given me "what I need, when I need it". I'm still figuring life out but I guess.. yes.. scars do heal, especially when there's someone there to make the process faster and easier. I may never be able to pay you back.. So I guess I'll say my thanks and pay it forward.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Been thinking a lot, gal?

Well, I guess life is really about helping each other through the rocky road(sidetrack: makes me think of chocolate iceream..) huh? Whether one is at the receiving or giving end, it is both a blessing & an honour. And it makes life worthwhile.. Cos it's this cycle which lets one experience the touching depths of life.

Yes, I believe that scars do heal-- if one lets them. They're not worth keeping! :p There are better and more beautiful things to keep in our hearts. :)

~Let go of the past, cherish the present, anticipate the future!~

November 07, 2007 8:52 AM  
Blogger JJJJ said...

well.. at least my brain's working! thank you for ur comment! erm.. *speechless* *touched*

November 08, 2007 1:02 AM  

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