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Sunday, March 15, 2009


So much trivia?? I basically do my FYP everyday and almost every moment I'm awake so.. pretty boring to report that! Therefore, MORE TRIVIA!

Today's trivia's on the famous coke and mentos thing!

If you drop a tube of Mentos into a two litre bottle of diet Coke, you get a fountain of diet Coke!

Well, this happens as Mentos have lots of little ridges on the surface (even though it SEEMS to be visually smooth). These act as nucleation points where the carbon dioxide dissolved in the Coke can rapidly form bubbles. As the Mentos sinks, these bubbles rise through the liquid and agitate the Coke which creates more bubbles.

Why diet? Diet Coke has a lower surface tension than Coke which is filled with sugar. The lower surface tension allows the bubbles to grow more rapidly. Gum arabic which coats the Mentos acts as a surfactant, lowering the surface tension of the liquid further.


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