Hong Kong...
Leaving Chicago...
WOW!!! I spent the day flying. I went to 3 countries (Hong Kong, Chicago in US and Toronto in Canada) in a single day!!!
I basically ate and slept. I was so tired so I kept sleeping. I couldn't even keep awake towatch the movies on board. Hmm, US customs took a really long time. We even had to remove our shoes! Anyway, my NORMAL diet plan has begun. I basically drank juice and Sprite Zero on the plane and even refused the chocolates and snacks they were giving out!
FYI, Toronto is 12 hours behind Singapore time! Hmm. We're staying at 89 Chestnut Residence. The weather's great!!! For our first night, we ate at a Chinese restaurant. The portions are HUGE and I was far from finishing it! Unpacked everything on the first night! Shiok.
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