In the morning, I attended a course conducted by Science CBLC (Computer Based Learning Centre) in NUS. It's a basic course for Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 (video editing).
The world hates me today. pQ is my witness for that. Well, not even being bothered enough to hate me is probably worse! When I reached MacRitchie, they were having SAAA Cross Country and I totally lost my mood to run since they blocked up almost the entire area. Well, anyway, I went over to pQ's place to "study" but we obviously did not study. We were playing with Jason the dog, sms-ing and talking to funny people about funny things, eating, drinking, etc. Today was a fine day. I got fined (again) for parking - $6.
Perhaps the best thing that happened was that I met Sui Hui! We're going to run (probably jog on my part) next Sunday. Finally.
As for the next best thing that happened.. that's a secret!
Look at this gloomy day. I could mash the world into tiny balls of potatoes. But that can wait. First, I need to study and get some other stuff done. I need some SELF-IMPOSED discipline.

Sitting in my car listening to the raindrops as they pelt down on my windscreen while watching them merge with other droplets and trickle down the glass. A waste of time? Time that needed to be wasted.
what's with the ugly photos. darn. i command u to remove it! -_- the cowheads were gone when i got home!!!! stop being a grinch! onie i can be the grinch! bye!
HAHA. i neva said they are ugly photos, u say one!!!
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